Perennial planting ideas for flower borders
White flowers
- Campanula persicifolia alba - up to 60 cm (2 feet) in height and flowering all summer. Useful for border and cutting.
- Campanula glomerata alba - up to 60 cm (2 feet) in height with bell shaped flowers all summer. Doesn't like dry soil.
- Centaurea Amethyst In Snow - up to 35cm (4 inches) in height. White petals with strong purple centre.
- Delphinium Galahad White - up to 150 cm (5 feet) so put at the back of a sunny border.
- Leucanthemum Victorian Secret - Shasta Daisy - Compact 35-40 cm (14-15 inches) in height with white double flowers. Very long flowering from early summer to first frosts.
- Geranium Rozanne - Forms a low mound with blue/purple flowers from late spring to first frosts. Easy to grow.
- Nepeta (Cat Mint) - Various shades of blue. About 80 cm (30 inches) in height. Flowers in June and you can cut it back to make it flower again.
- Scabiosa caucasica Blue Butterfly - Blue/light purple. Grows up to 30 cm (1 foot) and flowers from early summer to December. Attracts butterflies.
- Helleborus Penny's Pink - This Lenten Rose flowers late winter to spring. Prefers moist ground and ideal for growing under trees or woodland areas.
- Veronicastrum Erica - Red buds open into pink flowers. 150 cm (5 feet) so plant at the back of a border.
- Geranium oxonianum Old Rose - A weed smothering pink flowering geranium that is about 40 cm (15 inches) in height. Flowers from June until first frost and grows anywhere.
Can you recommend a plant?
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